
Ryuta Kure

¸é²â³Ü³Ù²¹â€™s Journey


Ryuta Kure


Computer Science & Economics


Fukuoka, Japan

I was born in Fukuoka, Japan, a city surrounded by mountains, rivers and ocean. For my college experience, I was looking for a place with prestigious academics, diversity, and a strong sense of community. Therefore, I landed on my decision to come to 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ.

Four years later, I feel fortunate to have learned from both peers and professors, and to have developed lifelong friendships with people who have very different interests and backgrounds than me.

More Culture, Less Shock

I arrived on campus two weeks before classes began to participate in 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ's International Pre-Orientation Program, colloquially known as IPOP. Through IPOP, I met some of my best friends and was matched with a wonderful host family in town via the Friends of International Students (FIS) program.

IPOP Class of 2021

The IPOP Class of 2021!

Since I had such a great time during IPOP as an incoming first-year, I decided to become a mentor my second year to connect with our new international students.

Halloween pumpkin carving

(L): Halloween in 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ with my host brother, Sim. (R): Hanging with fellow IPOP mentors before the start of my second year.

Exploring Careers Through an Externship

Erik and Ryuta pose in front of Hastings & Chivetta

Erik and I pose in front of Hastings & Chivetta

During spring break of my first year, I participated in 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ’s. Externships allow first- and second-year students to job-shadow alumni for up to a week, and they typically also include a homestay.

For my externship, I shadowed Erik Kocher '84, an amazing alumnus and the owner of Hastings & Chivetta, an architecture company. I visited him in St. Louis, Missouri and learned about various aspects of the architecture industry. I also got to explore the city because Erik and his wife Linda, also an '84 alumna, showed me around the most unique places. The experience was unforgettable!

Data-Driven Games

Group standing for picture with tv between them

This photo shows Liam Liden '21, me, Professor Shonda Kuiper, and Devansh Chandgothia '21 commemorating the completion of our project.

During the summer of 2019, I stayed on campus to work on a Mentored Advanced Project (MAP) that developed an educational video game to teach undergraduate-level statistics. Specifically, we created "Defenders," a medicine-versus-virus-themed tower-defense game (ironically, the theme fits these COVID times).

  • The experience was very valuable to me because it solidified my career interest in pursuing game development. The game has been used in some statistics courses at 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ and some other colleges for trial. Try playing it below!

(You can put texts of your choice for Player ID and Group ID. Please don’t put anything too naughty — we do have a bad word filter built in. 😉)

Semester in Budapest

Music and Me: 0 to 100

Before coming to 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ, I had very limited music background with basically no experience with instruments. However, I have always been very interested in drumming because of how cool drummers look. Luckily, 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ offers free 1-to-1 music lessons, so I was able to start my amateur drumming journey.

The beginning was very basic, just playing some basic beats on a drum pad. However, as I continued to my second year, I was able to play some intermediate difficulty rock songs on the drum set. With the drumming foundation, I joined the percussion ensemble to play the marimba and steelpan and also joined an international student rock band, Migratory Birds, for a semester. I performed a few times that year for various music/international events, and it was an unexpected yet unforgettable experience.

Group photo with first line taking knee
band, Migratory Birds on stage

(L): 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ's Percussion Ensemble poses for a group shot following our end-of-semester performance. (R): My band, Migratory Birds, bows after the ISO (International Student Organization) Cultural Show

Looking to the Future

Nearing the end of my junior year, COVID struck and unfortunately, I had to return to Japan to take classes remotely. However, I was very fortunate that I was offered an internship working for Hexagram, a front-leading storytelling/game company based in NYC, during my senior year.

It was a great joy working with them part-time while taking 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ courses, because it kept my schedule full of interesting and challenging work during the quarantine period. I applied my knowledge from various disciplines to game-development and contribute to the creation of an immersive virtual game/world that people can use to play, connect, and learn.


Hero Image with Text

After interning for Hexagram during my senior year at 99¾«Æ·ÊÓƵ, I landed a full-time job with them after I graduated!

I was involved in their Voice of the Internet project as one of the newest members of their Software Engineer team. In Voice of the Internet, we collected Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube Expo live stream chats and summarized the chat content via GPT-3. I also worked on projects such as SAGA, which connects data together, and Enzo, which is a unity game aimed to create an immersive audio world experience.

Now, I'm in Atlanta, Georgia as a Software Engineer working for State Farm. It's been around a year and a half of working for them as of June of 2023.

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